About Us
The only way to truly understand the Adath Shalom experience is to engage with us. Please come visit our welcoming home.
Our Mission:
Adath Shalom exists to nurture the Jewish identity of all who enter our doors by making Judaism continually and increasingly relevant in our lives. An egalitarian and inclusive community affiliated with the Conservative movement, we are dedicated to Torah, tradition and each other. We celebrate Judaism in a creative, warm and life-affirming manner, and welcome the diverse views and participation of members of all abilities in the evolution of our spiritual and community soul.
We, at Adath Shalom, commit to the following:
- To welcome members and guests with warmth and hospitality
- To recognize our obligation to one another, our responsibility to other Jews, and our desire to help the community at large
- To bring life and excitement to Jewish education for children and adults, and commit ourselves to lifelong learning and growth
- To create an atmosphere in religious services that brings the joy, beauty and spirituality of Judaism into our lives
Our History:
Adath Shalom is a beautiful synergistic community created from the merger of two earlier synagogues. Adath Israel of Dover was a historic Jewish community that slowly took shape from the bustling community that rose on the banks of the Morris Canal as far back as 1869. The Dover Jewish Center, whose first building in 1917 replaced the rented stores and congregants’ homes, was originally an Orthodox shul serving generations of the foundational community of families whose memory and connection to Morris County stretches back to well over a century. Remarkably, it was the fundraising efforts of our Sisterhood (then called the Women’s Auxiliary) that raised the necessary capital to build our first historic building in Dover.
Temple Israel of Boonton was a neighboring synagogue rich with young families who arrived in the 1960’s and 1970’s and who built a joyful Conservative Jewish community of their own. The two communities came together in 1988, the older Adath Israel providing a senior generation with deep knowledge and deep roots in Morris County while Temple Israel nurtured the new congregation with its youthful energy and contemporary outlook. The merger was accomplished through visionary leadership and the humor, warmth, good will and Ahavat Yisrael, love of Jews for each other and the community that are part of what makes Adath Shalom so special. Come and experience our living history yourself!
Adath Shalom Mission Statement
Fri, October 4 2024
2 Tishrei 5785
Upcoming Events
Friday ,
OctOctober 4 , 2024Rosh Hashanah Services - 2nd day
Friday, Oct 4th 8:30a to 1:20p
Friday ,
OctOctober 4 , 2024Rosh Hashanah Family Service
Friday, Oct 4th 9:45a to 12:30p
Friday ,
OctOctober 4 , 2024Rosh Hashanah Youth Services 2nd day
Friday, Oct 4th 9:45a to 11:15a
Friday ,
OctOctober 4 , 2024Multi-access (Hybrid) Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, Oct 4th 7:15p to 8:15p
Multi-access (Hybrid) Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat -
Sunday ,
OctOctober 6 , 2024
Sunday, Oct 6th 9:45a to 12:45p
We will resume our (almost) weekly MahJong game. Please email sisterhood.adathshalom@gmail.com with your information if you'd like to be on our text chain for the games. Beginners Welcome! -
Sunday ,
OctOctober 6 , 2024
Sunday, Oct 6th 11:00a to 12:00p
Please join us this Sunday, 10/6, at Adath Shalom at 11 AM for a brief memorial for all those lost on October 7th, at the terror attacks on Israel in 2023 and to pray for the return of the over one hundred hostages, including seven American citizens, held since that grim day by terrorists in Gaza. Through prayer, a short film, memorials and song, we will seek within ourselves the determination to remember, the resilience to rise again and the strength to heal.With Rabbi Rudin, Cantor Avima and Members of the Adath Shalom Israel Engagement Committee -
Sunday ,
OctOctober 6 , 2024
Sunday, Oct 6th 12:30p to 2:00p
Enjoy the warm days of Indian Summer in our playground! Bring a brown bag lunch and play! We'll supply snacks! -
Monday ,
OctOctober 7 , 2024
Monday, Oct 7th 7:00p to 8:00p
Class with Broadway and Yiddish Theater's own Pauline Hahn in the amazing world of Yiddish music! Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89804213938?pwd=ajVhL1ZmM2hxVE9qdU9oSEhnYzBOUT09 Meeting ID: 898 0421 3938 Passcode: Israel -
Tuesday ,
OctOctober 8 , 2024
Tuesday, Oct 8th 12:00p to 2:00p
Tuesday ,
OctOctober 8 , 2024Adult Hebrew Class
Tuesday, Oct 8th 4:00p to 5:00p
Adult Hebrew Class
Clergy Corner
Weekly inspirations from our stellar clergy:
Rabbi Rudin's Weekly D'var Torah
Notes from Cantor Avima Rudavsky Darnov
Today's Calendar
Rosh Hashana |
Office Closed |
: 8:30am |
: 9:45am |
: 9:45am |
Candle Lighting : 6:16pm |
: 7:15pm |
View Calendar