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Donor Funds 

Giving is part of our Jewish heritage and our Jewish way of life.  We support our Kehillah Kedosha, our holy Jewish community of Adath Shalom, by giving tzedakah to commemorate simchas and milestones, to honor the accomplishments of family members and others, to honor the memory of our loved ones and to show our gratitude.  Donations are tax deductible, and the honoree will be notified of your generosity. Adath Shalom thanks you! 

Kol Nidre 5785 (2024)


This fund serves to balance our budget, supporting everything we do at Adath Shalom  -- salaries, programming, education, lifecycle events, holidays, social action, community-building; and maintenance and improvement to our buildings, grounds and technical infrastructure. Contributions also ensure that no member of our congregation is turned away for financial reasons. We ask every family to please donate.  Donate Now!

Sustaining Member  2024


Sustaining Members are congregants who are able and willing to give more than their dues to help support congregants who cannot pay their full dues. Since our inception, we have never turned anyone away due to financial need.

Funds from the Sustaining Member program will be used to allow us to continue to provide a full range of vital programs and services while maintaining an open door policy.

Please join you fellow congregants by becoming a Sustaining Member. Your contribution can be the difference in our mission to be the vital caring community we strive for at Adath Shalom.

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Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Rudin

Donations to this fund are used at the discretion of the Rabbi to assist individual, educational and communal needs as the Rabbi deems necessary and appropriate. Donate Now!

Cantor's Discretionary Fund

Donations to this fund are used at the discretion of the Cantor to assist individual, educational and communal needs as the Cantor deems necessary and appropriate. Donate Now!

Baron-Hoffman Family Scholar-in-Residence Fund

Adath Shalom building with American flag flying

This Fund will be utilized to facilitate future scholar-in-residence programs at Adath Shalom. At these programs, informative, interesting and knowledgeable speakers are brought to Adath Shalom, typically for a weekend residency, to make presentations and lead discussions, usually at Shabbat services and at other events. 

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General Fund

Adath Shalom building with American flag flying

Donations to this fund help support the daily operations of the synagogue.

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Hoexter Family Caring Fund

Chesed Committee at the Dover Soup Kitchen

Donations to this fund enable the Chesed Committee to provide support to our synagogue community as well as to our social action initiatives. Includes but not limited to: bereavement assistance, shiva meals, providing and serving meals at soup kitchens, homeless assistance and hospital visits to those in time of need.

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Mark Dunn Special Needs Fund

Wall of sanctuary with Sh'ma

This fund, established by Arnold, Michelle and Jeffrey Dunn, in memory of their son and brother Mark, is for the purpose of providing support as determined necessary to meet the needs of special needs students in the Religious School.

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Mosberg Family Holocaust Education Fund

Remember Holocaust art

This fund, established by Ed and Cecile Mosberg, in memory of Parsippany Councilman James Vigilante, is for the purpose of furthering the goals of Holocaust education at Adath Shalom. Donate Now!

Open Door Minyan

For over the past 8 years, our congregation has been hosting monthly programming for adults in the community who have special needs. Many of our guests join us from Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled Residences, though we also have guests who live in other home environments. By supporting Open Door Minyan, it will allow us to continue to create special programming for our guests. Donations help to fund the food for kiddush luncheon, differentiated craft projects and inclusive community wide special events.


Our monthly program includes a Shabbat service utilizing a special prayer book created especially for our guests, and designed specifically for prayer interaction. Volunteers sit with our guests to assist. Guests receive parts, known as Aliyot during the service. Rabbi and Cantor sing songs, and we enjoy kiddush lunch and participate in a craft project. Adath Shalom's Open Door Minyan is one of the jewels of our congregation. We invite you to join us and share the in the beauty of the Open Door Minyan.

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Religious School and Youth Fund

USY members

Donations are utilized for youth programming and to help subsidize scholarships for various youth activities. Donate Now!

Teacher Enrichment Fund

Wall of sanctuary with Sh'ma

Donations provide funds for our teaching staff to attend courses, conferences, special events and programs. This fund has allowed us to send teachers to Jewish and secular programs as well as help them achieve advanced degrees in education, Jewish education and special needs. Donate Now!

Torah Fund

Adath Shalom torahs in open ark

The Torah Fund was established for the purpose of repairing and reconditioning Adath Shalom's Torah scrolls. 

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Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785