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Youth Groups

Adath Shalom and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism sponsor youth groups for children and teens in grade 3 through high school.

Club 345

Club 345 gives third, fourth and fifth graders the opportunity to connect with others their age in a fun and social environment. Club 345 is a great way to introduce your children to the benefits of being part of a Jewish organization.

For more information, contact Adath Shalom’s Club 345 Advisor.


Kadima is the international youth organization for sixth through eighth graders.  Kadima aims to show 6th through 8th graders the joys of Judaism while connecting them with other kids their age.  Kadima sponsors regional conventions, holiday celebrations, cultural activities, and social action projects.  

For more information, contact the Kadima Advisor.

United Synagogue Youth (USY)

USY is the official youth organization of the Conservative Movement. USY encourages teens in high school to learn about and live within the framework of Conservative Judaism.  USY  teens create fun and exciting events for their local chapters and regions, including shabbatons, dances, and conventions.

On the international level, USY coordinates summer trips in North America and Israel, Nativ, a gap year in Israel, Torah Bytes webinars, Chalutzim Israel Club, 613 Mitzvah Corps, and the Abraham Joshua Heschel Honor Society.

For more information, please contact the USY Advisor.

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784