First Mitzvah Project of the Year and Bring Them Home
12/31/2023 11:48:16 AM
The Religious School is sponsoring a Day of Chesed (Day of Kindness) on Sunday, January 14th. One of our projects will be to pack Purposeful Acts of Kindness Kits for nourish.NJ.We are requesting donations of the following items by January 14. Please place your donations in the large marked bin in the lobby.
We need the following: pocket size hand sanitizer, bottles of water, protein bars, baggie filled with laundry pods, rolls of toilet tissue, hand towels, FULL SIZE Toiletries- shampoo, conditioner and body wash and reusable shopping bags.
Video of the week: If you haven't seen this yet, it is a must see... The song "habayta" is a protest song that was written by the late Ehud Manor on 1982 during the the first Lebanon war. The song called to bring the Israeli soldiers back home from "foreign fields". On 2003 Manor was asked by the singer Yardena Arazi to add a new verse to the song. In the summer of 2006, during the second Lebanon war, Yardena had recorded the new version of the song and dedicated it to the kidnapped and missing israeli soldiers.
This song is being resurrected in a historic performance in the Caesarea amphitheater. It features 1,000 musicians gathered from all over the Israel as well as hostage families.