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06/13/2023 06:35:05 PM


     Last week I reflected on the beautiful moments we shared as a community almost two weeks ago.I am nearing the end of my first year at Adath Shalom. I have now observed a full cycle of Jewish holidays with this community.This is a good time to pause and  thank everyone for making my husband and myself feel so welcome here. Only a year ago, I looked out at the faces in the sanctuary and worried about how I would learn everyone's names. And, now when I look out at the faces in the sanctuary I feel I am looking at friends. And, I know most of your names too! 

     Somehow I have felt not only at home at Adath Shalom, but that I was meant to be here. I have never felt that way at any of the previous synagogues I have served. You see, I started my career about 35 years ago. I was a cantorial student at The Jewish Theological Seminary, one of 4 women at the time.  Although women were accepted as students in cantorial school, we were not being invested (ordained) as Cantors yet. I worked briefly alongside my father who was a Rabbi in a small synagogue in NJ. In 1988 I applied for a position at The Lake Hiawatha Jewish Center and was offered the position. It was a very sweet, close knit community. When it was time for my senior recital, they hired a bus to come to the city. When our son was born, they came to the bris and helped watched him when I was leading services. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking when I took a position a few months after my son was born. I maintained my connection with a few couples and the Rabbi over the years.  

     I served another couple of synagogues over the years, but I would often say..." the sweetest congregation I served was The Lake Hiawatha Jewish Center." (OK, I would also say that my father was the best Rabbi I ever worked with). A year and a half ago, after being off the formal pulpit for 15 years, I decided to seek out a fulltime pulpit again. When I saw Adath Shalom on the placement list I immediately got on the phone and called one of my friends from Lake Hiawatha Jewish Center and asked... "Is this your congregation?" It just seemed that it was meant to be. And, I am here.

     This shabbat one of those members - friends is celebrating his 2nd bar mitzvah.   


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784