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Rejoice!  Adar is Here!!

02/19/2023 08:23:04 PM


For myself and my husband, Allen, the phrase "Mishenichnas Adar marbin b'simchah" (When Adar begins, our joy increases) has special meaning. Our first born son is named Adar. Although we didn't know if we would be planning a bris or simchat bat, the baby's arrival was  anticipated to be right around Rosh Chodesh Adar. Of course he was born a few days early, in the waning days of the month of Shevat. Shevat might be a perfectly good name for a month, but not for a child. So, we stuck to our plan. I made a big banner for the bris with the words I quoted above. And, yes, when his brother was born 27 months later,  everyone asked if he would be named Adar II. And, no, he wasn't. 

 I love Purim, not just for the silliness and the fun and the joy, (and not just because my middle name is Esther Leah and my son's name is Adar) but for the hope it brings. I love the message that darkness turns to light, and sadness  to joy. I love that the events turn not by the intervention of God, but by the bravery of a woman who finds her voice and uses her wits to set things right again. The story of Purim reminds us that we humans  have a role to play in determining our destiny. It is a flash of optimism at the end of a cold, dreary winter.  

There are a few popular melodies to the song "Mishenichnas Adar marbin b'simchah", This one is a delightful instrumental on violin:  Mishenichnas Adar Violin. And this one is a fun medley of many purim songs: Purim Medley. In addition to Mishenichnas Adar, you might hear a few of your old childhood favorites. Have fun and Rejoice! Adar is here!!


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784