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10/06/2022 08:46:42 AM



     The first mitzvah after Yom Kippur is to build the Sukkah to prepare for the festival of Sukkot which is only 5 days after Yom Kippur. I now realize that my penchant of over scheduling myself may have roots in my Judaism... but I digress... Sukkot is a multi sensory holiday... a feast for the eyes, ears and I would argue it is the best smelling holiday.If you want to know more about sukkot please click on this link:

     Sukkot is also called "Z'man Simchah-tay-nu"..."The season of our joy". Judaism places a high value on serving God with Joy. Joyous living is an aspiration which is not always easy to achieve. In my 4 months at Adath Shalom, I have  noticed  one of our members who displays  joy every shabbat. Her smile is   infectious. This  member is our regular ark opener on shabbat morning. And every single week, this individual comes to the bimah with a huge smile, and continues to smile and take in the sight of the torah scrolls in the ark as though it were the first time rather than a weekly event. This to me is the epitome of the saying "Ivdu et Hashem B'simchah" - "Serve Gd wth Joy!" 

     May we all be blessed this Sukkot season with the ability to find Joy, joy with sight, smell, hearing and being.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784