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Chazak Luncheon - Ulysses Grant Dietz

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 4 Adar 5785

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Ulysses Grant Dietz is back by popular demand!! He captivated us last year and will certainly do so again!

We will learn about the Evolution Trail of Silver in America. Silver, possessed by an elite few in America to its eventual market collapse in 1980 and as a commodity today we take for granted.

He is a trustee of the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library at Mississippi State University, and of the Society of Presidential Descendants. He also served as curator of Decorative Arts at The Newark Museum from 1980 to 2017, and was appointed Chief Curator in 2012.

Deadline to register is February 28th so that enough food will be prepared.

$13 to attend; cash or check at the door.

Registration required for security purposes.

Any questions? Email Cookie HERE


Chazak Luncheon
March 4
Ulysses Grant DietzĀ 
The Evolution Trail of Silver in America
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Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785