As Jews, I believe that our prayers, Torah narratives and history ask us three questions, over and over:
Can we build together a better world?
Do we have a choice but to try?
And finally, why?
That last question at least we all know the answer to:
for our children.
This last Sunday morning, Nina Tokayer dropped a song on YouTube called “G-d of the Children” that spoke so powerfully to those questions, that cut so deeply and so sweetly, that, as I watched the “like” counter explode, I felt that Nina’s song touched the very heart of the world. Nina was born in Jerusalem to a modern Orthodox family. She and her husband Yoni form the musical duo Yonina. Even before October 7th, their songs inspired hope and longing for peace. Now, as so much has grown darker, they are a beacon of light.
We face such great challenges as Jews, as Americans, as human beings. Our most important task, our most holy task is our children. Can we raise children who are joyful, resilient, loving and strong? Can we help guide them to realize their potential for good, to be happy, to find meaning and blessing?
That is Nina’s prayer. As we read and re-experience the Exodus from Egypt and remember the Hasidic teaching that the Exodus isn’t a single event but a reminder that every day we must be freed from the narrowness (which is the literal meaning of the Hebrew word “Mitzrayim”- Egypt) of the challenges and lead the way into freedom.
I invite you to listen to“G-d of the Children” and hear the poignancy of this prayer. I hope that you will feel, as I do, that the Jewish family is called to come together in mutual love and support as never before, and as Jews to strive to set an example of unity and to stand together with people of good will everywhere.
Translation - G-d of the Children
Let the six-pack of water in the shelter remain full for years
Let them sleep peacefully, even through intercepted rockets above
Keep them safe but never detached
Strong but never indifferent
May they continue to pray for the wounded and believe in miracles
G-d of the children
Let them grow healthy and trusting
Even in a world still upended
Even while everything is changing
Grant them strength to grow from this too
Let me serve as their safe haven and lighthouse
And from within the pain let them also learn to support and assist
Let us manage to banish the shadows
Though we too feel fear at times
Let us love without end, and never stop celebrating life
Show me that this is possible,
that they have the strength and can
Go through this journey, larger than life
Just as I grew up in Jerusalem at the century's birth
With sirens in Emek Refaim
And a mother who said never give in
And we'll continue to travel the land
G-d of the children
Let us grow healthy and trusting
Even in a world upended
When instability reigns
Grant us strength to grow from this too