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Love for and of Israel

10/17/2023 01:33:42 PM


Jon Kessler


Dear Adath Shalom Family;

This week's D'var Torah was written by our member Jon Kessler. Jon asks us to look beyond the darkness and challenges of this moment and to reflect on our own relationship with the land and people of Israel.  Whatever your connection, I hope that you find his essay as moving and inspiring as I did - Yeshar Ko'ach, Jon - sending chizuk and blessings to Liat and Ran.

With yearning for peace, safety and security of Israel, of our country and all people of good will everywhere of every faith-

Rabbi Rudin


My Love of Israel by Jon Kessler                                                                                     

What is happening in Israel right now is horrific.  The sheer terrorism of our enemies is beyond reproach. There are no explanations for the atrocities that have been committed under the guise of a holy war against the Jewish people.  For me, it has hit close to home.  My daughter and son-in-law live and work in Tel Aviv.  My youngest son is planning to make Aliyah (move to Israel) sometime in early 2024.  When I text with my daughter and she shares that she is safe, I feel somewhat relieved.  However, she also shares with me that they are very anxious.  As a parent, being 6000 miles away from your child is difficult.  Even though she is 31 years old, the helplessness I feel has been hard to let go of. To continue reading, click here

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785