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The Ten Reasons why we Sound the Shofar: Video Series with Rabbi Rudin!

09/21/2022 01:02:03 PM


Rabbi Moshe Rudin

Want to make Rosh HaShana a deeper spiritual experience?  Let the Shofar Guide You!!

Chapter One: Creating the Sound of Renewal and Return

Chapter Two: Ten Calls and Ten Teachings.

Chapter Three: Who Blew the First Shofar?

Chapter Four:  The Words of the Prophets are Written with the Shofar Blasts!

Chapter Five: Cracking the Shell

Chapter Six: Losing Yourself and Finding Yourself

Chapter Seven: Are You Scared Yet?

Chapter Eight: A Heavenly Subpoena!

Chapter Nine: The Call: Where do you live?  Where is your home?

Chapter Ten: The Shofar is a Time Machine- to the Present!




Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784