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Pesach?  Really?  Already?  No way!

04/03/2022 10:02:35 AM


Rabbi Rudin









Dear Adath Shalom Mishpocho, shalom!

Pesach?  Really?  Already?  No way!
This must have been what it was like back in Egypt.  Out of nowhere -- here comes the Thunder and we're on the move! 

So, speaking of on the move, here are a couple of items:

Shabbat HaGadol, the Great Sabbath, April 9th is not only the beginning of Freedom but it's the end of an era as we bid farewell to Zoom.  With the end of the State of Emergency that has become normal life, the Halachic (Jewish law) special measure that enabled us to use this miraculous technology reverts to normal and we are asked by Torah to really be where we are, shut down the tech, go to shul and be fully present.  

Those who wish may continue to mask and there will be a section of our seating for those who wish to remain socially distant.  We will also be streaming all services so those who cannot attend in person can still view services from their own home with the caveat that they will not be able to participate or to be counted in the Minyan.  We hope that streaming in though will provide comfort and spiritual meaning.  There may also be special cases where Zoom is appropriate in a limited sense such as weekday services or other extenuating circumstances.

Finally, Pesach. Click here  for Chametz Burning instruction.  Click here to sell your Chametz.  Click here  for our concise Pesach guide. 

Join us on Friday, 4/15 at 8 AM for our yearly Siyum, Farewell to Chametz service, sponsored by Dr. Walter and Dorothy Friedel at Adath Shalom!

Fulfill the Core Mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming guests!  Let me know if you are able to accommodate a guest or two at your family Seder from our congregational family!  We have folks who are alone or facing challenging circumstances who would love to be invited to a light-filled, warm and friendly family Seder!  Email or call me at (973)220-1677.  If you are in search of a Seder, contact me as well!  No one will be alone on Pesach!  
Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Rudin

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784