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Parshat Re'eh: The Blessing is Before You

08/03/2021 12:57:47 PM


All that is required of us is to take the Blessing that is before us.  The Blessing does not always lead to well-being, wealth and success -- it is not our purposes that are served, but HaShem's.  But sometimes, the Blessing that we seize leads to something much, much more.  Hear about the life and legacy of Raoul Wallenberg, whose great heroism was commemorated this past Sunday by the Mayor of Parsippany, the Interfaith Council and the Human Relations Commission of Morris County.   Raoul, possessed of unbelievable courage and integrity, seized the Blessing with both hands: whoever saves a life has saved the world entire.  Raoul saved a hundred thousand worlds.  Wherever you are, Raoul, the undying gratitude and love of Am Yisrael and all people of good will are with you, always.  See the full moving ceremony here


Wallenberg's briefcase, where he carried thousands of visas and other documents that meant life for the doomed Jews of Hungary.  He would hand the visas out freely to those already loaded on the cattle cars, braving even the bullets of the SS to save lives. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784